Fraud Prevention

Fraud is defined as "the intentional, false representation or concealment of a material fact for the purpose of inducing another to act upon it to his or her injury" (Board Policy 350.1).

Steps to take to report fraud

  1. Talk to your immediate supervisor and discuss your concerns.
  2. Report the activity to the Director of Financial & Management Analysis, UPTW 236, 575-5553 or
  3. Call the confidential fraud hotline at 1-866-252-9838.

Case-in-Point:  Lessons for the Proactive Manager Newsletter:

The monthly Case-in-Point (CIP) newsletter was first developed by Auburn University’s Office of Audit, Compliance & Privacy as a conversation starter solely within the Auburn University community with the goal of improving how risks were managed at that individual institution.   Since then, the newsletter has expanded out beyond the Auburn University community to become a widespread resource to thousands of national and international higher education stakeholders.  With every issue the CIP newsletter highlights the news events occurring throughout higher education in order to help develop risk-intelligent institutions.

Auburn University’s Office of Audit, Compliance & Privacy publishes the CIP newsletter the last business day of each month.  You can view our updated link to the CIP newsletter here each month or add yourself to the CIP’s distribution list at Auburn University's Case In Point Newsletter.  Also, feel free to invite colleagues who may be interested to also look at the CIP newsletter – it is an extremely valuable learning tool for everyone in higher education.

Volume 15, No. 02 February 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 03 March 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 04 April 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 05 May 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 06 June 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 07 July 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 08 August 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 09 September 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 10 October 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 11 November 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 15, No. 12 December 2023 Case in Point Newsletter

Volume 16, No. 01 January 2024 Case in Point Newsletter


2022 ACFE Report to the Nations:

The 2022 Report to the Nations, produced by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, is a comprehensive and widely quoted source of occupational fraud data in the world which reports on how occupational fraud is committed, how it is detected, who commits it, and how organizations can protect themselves from it. 

Some of the findings from the 2022 Report to the Nations include:

  • The average loss due to occupation fraud in the Education industry was $56,000
  • Billing and Corruption tied as the most common occupational fraud schemes in the Education industry
  • Nearly half of all fraud cases occurred due to lack of internal controls (29%) or override of existing controls (20%)
  • 57% of fraud involved the creation of fraudulent evidence
  • 85% of fraudsters displayed behavioral red flags of fraud

Learn more about these and other findings from the 2022 ACFE Report to the Nations


Important Information

If you have information concerning the misappropriation of University assets, or suspect fraud, theft, or misuse of University funds, please call 575-5553 for a confidential discussion of your concerns.