Plant and Property Accounting

Uptown 220 NW
Fayetteville, AR 72703

About this Department

Property Accounting is part of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration’s operations.  Our mission is to assist the University by identifying and keeping accurate records for the fixed assets belonging to the University of Arkansas, and to assist the campus in making sure that capital equipment is accounted for and maintained.

Important Information

  • FY2020 Inventory Scanning Schedule is ready!!!

General Information

Fayetteville Policies and Procedures



As of December 5, 2017, changes were made in AIMS (Asset Inventory Management System) to several TARGET transactions.  We now have material TARGET transactions that require material level approval.  Your proxy will no longer be allowed to approve the transactions listed below.    Only the primary desk or alternate may prove these transactions. 

The transactions that will now require material approval are:

ABRL -  if the asset is capital and the BU is being changed

PAID - if the Not Inventoried Reason code has a value

SPBA – approval of surplus batches

Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact Property Accounting at 479-575-6284.


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