Financial Analysis, Management, & Compliance

Uptown 220 NW
Fayetteville, AR 72703

About this Department

Financial Analysis, Management & Compliance is part of the Office of Financial Affairs.  The Department’s mission is to provide high-quality support, guidance, and financial consulting services in support of the University’s teaching and research missions.  One of the goals of the Department is to foster productive relationships across the campus community.

In addition to assessing and improving the adequacy, efficiency, and effectiveness of internal controls, systems, policies, and procedures, the Department also works to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and University requirements.

The Director of Financial  Analysis, Management & Compliance also serves as the University’s audit liaison assisting and supporting management in responding effectively to auditors, both internal and external.  The audit liaison role includes:

  • Attending audit related meetings including entrance conferences, findings meetings, and exit conferences.
  • Assisting management in reviewing and responding to draft audit findings, recommendations and reports while retaining sole responsibility for submitting responses for all audit recommendation on behalf of the University.
  • Assisting management in identifying options for incorporating controls and monitoring processes to fully address audit recommendations and mitigate risks.
  • Serving as a single point of contact regarding the overall audit process including the drafting and routing of management’s responses.
  • Monitoring the implementation status of audit recommendations.
  • Performing oversight procedures of management’s action plans to verify actions taken are designed and/or working effectively.
  • Corresponding with System Internal Audit on the resolution of findings.

The Director of Financial Analysis, Management & Compliance also serves as the campus contact for suspected fraud, theft, or misuse of University resources, including coordinating the University’s reporting requirements under the Arkansas Whistle-Blower Act.

Important Information

If you have information concerning the misappropriation of University assets, or suspect fraud, theft, or misuse of University funds, please call 575-5553 for a confidential discussion of your concerns.

General Information