Surplus Policy


Surplus Property: Inventory Control, Cannibalization and Disposition

Equipment for Inventory purposes is defined by the state as “tangible property with a unit cost of $2,500.00 or more and a normal usage life of two (2) years or more, except land or buildings.”

Regardless of dollar value, property may not be traded, sold, salvaged, destroyed, transferred to other state agencies or cannibalized until the Surplus Manager and Marketing and Redistribution have given prior approval.

A written request must be submitted to the Surplus Manager for each item to be traded, sold, salvaged, destroyed, transferred to other state agencies or cannibalized.

Include the manufacturer, model, description, serial number, and University of Arkansas Tag Number (if one exists).

In instances where items have become surplus to a department: the departmental contact must enter each inventory or non-inventory item into the BASIS - AIMS via the Surplus process.

Once the surplus batch has been approved, a “Request for Disposal of Surplus Property” report and surplus-inventory bar code labels will be sent via campus mail to the departmental contact.

The surplus-inventory bar code labels should be affixed to the front of the appropriate item. The Surplus Manager, in coordination with the departmental contact, will schedule a time for pick up of the items.

When items are picked up, the departmental contact must sign a copy of the report verifying what items were picked up.

The items are transported back to the surplus warehouse. After items have been received and moved to the Surplus Warehouse, the budgetary unit for all capital items will be changed from the department’s BU to the surplus warehouse’s BU.

These items will no longer be the responsibility of the surplusing department. Items received at the Surplus Warehouse are either held for recycling back on campus, sold by sealed bid, scrapped, or sold through public auctions.

Motor Vehicles eligible to be registered for highway use, whether registered or not, may be cannibalized after obtaining authorization.

These vehicles will not be removed from your inventory listing until the carcass of the vehicle has been disposed of by M&R.

In no event shall more than ninety days elapse between authorization of cannibalization and processing the carcass for disposal by Marketing and Redistribution.